Making The Most Of Your Work Commute

For some of us, our daily work commute can eat up hours of our day. Going into work and then coming back can take a long time and feel like wasted potential. Rather than just sitting and staring out the bus window mindlessly, here are a few ways that you can use your commute time to be more productive. 

Make A To-Do List 

Being more organized can help us get through the day much easier and quicker. You can use your commute time to make a to-do list on your phone, whether for work or for some chores when you get home later in the evening. It can help to list everything you need to get done and make you better mentally prepared to face the day. You can reach work and get started straight away, making the most of your time and getting done with the day’s task efficiently. It’s also super satisfying to check off tasks from a to-do list! 

Read A Book 

Starting your morning with a book you absolutely love can set the tone for the rest of your day. It can put you in a good mood and help you get through the day’s tasks with a clearer mind. If you’re someone who spends eight hours at work in front of a computer, reading a paper book can be a great break from screen-time or from mindlessly using your phone. 

Listen To A Podcast 

A great way to pass the time during your work commute is to listen to a podcast. New podcasts are coming out every day on so many different topics. There is a podcast or two out there for everyone. There are many genres to choose from, such as comedy, non-fiction, personal development, and spirituality. 

Listen To Some Music 

Sometimes, putting on your favorite song and shutting your mind off for a little while can be the best thing you can do for yourself. Listening to music on your commute can be a great way to relax before you get to work and have to go about doing things. Music can improve your mood and make you feel calm and relaxed. What is a better way there to face the day? 

Catch Up On Your Texts  

Life can get pretty hectic, and every now and then, we let our messages pile up and go unanswered. Your morning commute can be a great window of time for you to reply to your texts, reach out to your parents and siblings, or answer an email that you’ve been meaning to answer for some time now. This is a great way to be more productive before you get to work. 

Whether you want to relax and listen to some music or be ago-getter and plan out the rest of your day, your work commute should be time for you to use however you please. An hour in the morning can set the tone for the rest of your day, so make the most of that time and try out some of these things to do.